Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Smart Art


This is my entry for the 2021 season of Sky TV's Landscape Artist Of The Year.  Watching the show on a regular basis I have become intrigued at how the artists use their smartphones to compose and record a scene, which they then go on to paint. Once painted they use the same smart phones to photograph the painting to submit it for consideration by the programme. My approach is slightly different: I cut out the middle man. The smart phone records the scene, paints the picture and then submits it. Saves time all around.


  1. With your approval, I will use and credit this post, word for word and picture for picture, on my next blog post. It perfectly illustrate my disgust with the cowardly secondhand copyist painters of today. Turner (lash me to the mast) and others must be turning in their graves.

    Well done Ali, you deserve first prize:)


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...