Saturday, December 05, 2009

Sepia Saturday : Gladys and Amy Part 2

Kat and I spoke during the week and decided that the best thing to do with the Sepia Saturday concept was to let it develop in its own way and at its own pace. If, after Christmas,  people are still finding it useful and amusing we can decide whether it needs any more formal organisation injecting into it. But in the meantime let us just see what happens. I will append a list of people who I know are taking part in Sepia Saturday at the end of my post - just let me know if you are participating and I will add a link to your blog. I will update this post over the weekend with any additional links that I discover. Since last week I have been asked a number of technical questions about sepia prints and I will return to these during the coming week (I promise). 

My picture this week shows - from the left - my mother (Gladys), her sister (Amy) and a third unknown person on a day-trip to Cleethorpes. Cleethorpes is on the North Sea coast of England about fifty miles from Bradford where they lived. It must have been taken in the 1920s - at a guess I would imagine about 1927 - and it is a joyous shot of three mill girls enjoying a sunny day at the seaside. 

Let me know if you have a Sepia Saturday Post and I will add you to this list


  1. I can almost feel the sun on my face as I look at this picture!

    I have a Sepia Saturday post up now, by the way. How could I not, it's too much fun!

  2. Nice post Alan. I really must sift through my photograph archives and try to remember to take part in Sepia Saturday. I think it's a fine idea.

  3. hi Alan, I have a large Box Full of old sepia photos that I have never scanned.....Many are of the sepia persuasion.Hopefully I will be able to submit them in The New Year?
    You've set me thinking..................I dont think I have ever been to Cleethorpes! My Family seemed to gravitate towards the West Coast (Blackpool,Southport,etc).

  4. I really like the idea but won't be involved for now. I was actually going to try to do one and maybe later today I might get one going, but after coffee, I have to head back to my busy work. Your photo is a very good classic scene. I need to get scanned a bunch of pictures of my dad's and my mom's.

  5. Oh, that is just lovely! They look like they are certainly enjoying their sunny day and each other. Love the bob hair cuts. So cute!

  6. hi!
    i did a post for sepia saturday

  7. I know who the person on the right is!

    But I shall never tell!

  8. Alan ~ I'm with Poetikat...if you commented, I didn't get it...same with last Saturday's Sepia. Strange, as I got your comment other days this week.

  9. I love this picture- Love the hat and the little bows on their dresses- this picture is priceless!

  10. Wonderful photo--it really does bring across the feeling of being young & on a holiday.

  11. Don't you just love the hair cuts. I have a photo of my Nana dressed as a fairy with exactly the same cut. I'd love to participate but need to dig out the photos. I haven't got a scanner so I'll have to photograph them first. Maybe while I'm on leave during Christmas. Alan, the Mr Linky widget is a great way to gauge participation. Not sure how to set it up but people can sign up easily enough like we do for theme thursday

  12. what a cool shot...and i can see the sun in their smiles...

  13. Love these old pics.

    you need to add Betsy and Willow too, i think, right?


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