Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Desk Top Publishing

A Cut-Out And Keep Guide To My Desk Top : 1.00pm Wednesday 11th January 2012

1.  My notebook for the GN21 project. If you squint hard you can just make out a picture of a Walther Model 9 pistol. If you want to know more you will have to buy the book (if I ever finish it).
2.  My diary. If truth be told there is little in it, but it gives me a feeling of self-importance having it open on my desk, just in case the Queen calls up wanting a meeting.
3.  Computer screen which seems to be displaying yesterday's blog-post. Further evidence of my own self-obsession.
4.  My trusty iPad ready to provide me with instant access to the world of on-line news and current affairs and - OK I admit it - the latest level of Angry Birds.
5.  A cup of tea served in my favourite chipped Tesco mug. Ah, the drink that cheers but does not inebriate. I wonder why nobody has come up with an alco-tea yet?
6.  My trusty TV ready to provide me with instant access to the world of television news and current affairs and - OK I admit it - the latest episode of Coronation Street.
7.  A half-eaten Kit-Kat, proof if proof be needed, that my New Year Resolution to eat less has already withered and died in the garden of good intentions.
8.  My new dictionary which replaces my old one where many of the pages had fallen out which meant that I was unable to use any word starting with any letter between K and P.
9.  A ready supply of Post-It Notes always available to jot down ideas for new blog-posts, great inventions, epic poems and shopping lists. (need to remember to buy more Kit-Kats)
10. The framed certificate which shows that I have been made a member of the Grand Order of Idlers. Someone sent me that through the post - I can't imagine why.


  1. A fascinating look at your work space. Surprised by the tea, though. I expected something a bit stronger.

  2. Silver Fox : Just carefully look a little to the left of the mug of tea

  3. Ah. That's more like it! I needed to enlarge the photo. These old eyes aren't what they used to be.

  4. I am just pleased that I was able to meet your inebrious expectations.

  5. You crack me up, Alan! I thought my desk area was a bit congested. I feel much better about it now.
    I love Angry Birds, but it gets my blood pressure up. Those damned pigs with their smirky faces!

    Coronation Street just seems to be one endless round of shrieking these days; I much prefer the comparatively placid and pastoral, Emmerdale.
    Have you never had a Long Island Iced Tea? or an Ice-pick (voddy and iced tea)?

    I never resolve to eat less chocolate. That way I know I'll never feel guilty when I'm gorging on it!

  6. Such a voyeur I am. Well when it comes to people's desks anyway. I love seeing how people organize their stuff. Actually, your area looks like the epitome of neatness compared to mine, which lately seems to look like a computer nerd's dream home.

  7. This is exactly how a study or office should look; everything within stretching distance. I’m so glad you have all the basics Alan and now I can picture you there chewing thoughtfully on your iPad - I mean pencil.

  8. haha the diary open making you feel look fairly clean in your workspace...

  9. And a system of drawers; I'm impressed.

  10. Ah, man! You have an Ipad!
    Lucky you.

  11. A peek into your writing life. I love it.

    New year's resolutions that have "already withered and died in the garden of good intentions." Mine would probably be an empty bag with several empty wrappers, more like "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." Good mulch.

    The Grand Order of Idlers? I think I may have completed the requirements for admittance. Where do I sign up in order to gain legitimacy?

    As always, Love your title.

  12. From what I can see you have all that you need. Everything ready for instant whatever. I am envious as I don't have the space for a big desk. My skills must be limited as I can't keep much stuff around for me to use. I have a plastic drawer file for Sepia Saturday storage purposes but I don't dare make it go taller as it would be a skyscraper of drawers. Thanks for sharing the command center of Mr. B.

  13. Well I am coveting all those drawers! It is wonderful to see your work space. Angry Birds..Ya..I am stuck on one of the minor levels and the pigs oink at me..who ever invented that game was a genius:)

  14. Just in the way that garages and sheds are never big enough to accommodate a chap's hobbies, desktops can appear vast...until you start using them. Thanks for the insight, Alan. I hope to share a photo of mine in due course.

  15. Every picture sure does tell a story, doesn't it! Wow! I'm impressed!

  16. Heh, heh! The digital age is something else! I keep a notebook next to the computer, too, even though I could just as easily make notes in Text Edit and do my calculating on the onscreen calculator. But no, I need pen and paper for that. Looks like you do, too!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. happy new year alan!!

    i'm slowly catching up on happenings in the bloggyhood.

    happy to see you and amy are back at your virtual travels - a great part of the world you are in.

    love looking at people's work/play space - yours is fully equipped!

    hey, i'd say a partly eaten (vs all eaten) kit-kat demonstrates that you are doing well with your resolution to eat less! if it was me all that would be left is an empty wrapper!

  19. I spotted the bottle! You'll need it for when the Queen calls, you know! Nice digs, as they say here!

  20. What? No ale? I'm surprised although I did spot the bottle near your tea.

  21. You left the TV on.... and the drawers open.... and the iPad.....You must be multitasking!

  22. I always appreciate a look at blog friends' workspaces, & this was particularly entertaining. I also discovered that you & I have the same color of Post-Its on our desks. You could perhaps say that since you've only eaten half the Kit Kat you are holding true to your resolution!

  23. I know the feeling with those post it notes. I need them for everything. Some day I'll have to put my name on it.
    You give an interesting view of you work area and a humorous look at yourself.

  24. Loved this, Alan. By comparison my desk is almost empty.... the iPad is on another table. Also glad to see that you too have fallen for the Angry Birds.

  25. A picture can speak a thousand words, this one says to me: Here is a very busy man! I am going to a Chocolate Evening (fundraiser for a Hospice for terminally ill people) on February 11th, all the chocolate desserts you can eat!! Glad I did not make your resolution.....

  26. Look nice I love it!

  27. Love this how people live thing. I had a Wonder Wall years ago where I got bloggers to submit pics ...should do it again ...nice setup Mr Burnett. Disappointed there's no wine glass!

  28. Now I know what I'm missing from my workspace - drawers! I have overloaded shelves above - very precarious.


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