Monday, January 02, 2012

New Year Resolutions

It is that time of the year again : the time I wheel out the resolutions (most of which are as old and as faithful as a Yellowstone geyser), dust them off, air them out .... and then forget them within a week. If my grandchildren ever study the record of my life based upon nothing but my ill-kept diaries, they will assume that I suffered from some form of perverse counter-hibernation which resulted in me being hyper-active for the first week of January before I settled into another year of silent obscurity. So, before the moribund months take hold, here is my 2012 Resolution List. If I can still summon the energy to lift finger to keyboard at the end of the year I will try to remember to review my progress.

IN 2012 I WILL :
* Become a fitter and healthier person as I eat less and walk more.
* Finally complete the Great Novella of the 21st Century (if ever I can remember what the role of the French couple is within the complex plot-line I mapped out a year ago).
*  Regularly chart my progress in the longest dog-walk ever undertaken - Fat Dog To The Big Apple.
*  Be a better, more interactive and more regular Blogger.
*  Waste less time.

As an early pointer to my end of year report I should mention that I managed to waste at least half an hour putting together the ridiculous image that illustrates this particular post.


  1. Youve been working-out at the Gym at Todmorden Swimming Pool!!!!

  2. No, there has been a lot of rainfall around here over Christmas.

  3. Hmmmmm... Well, good luck with that. Me, I tend to ignore the whole resolutions thing; I like to avoid disappointment as much as possible!

  4. Oh it's a lovely photo of you! Why you're pretty fit already, see that getting fitter works already! Taking the dog for a swim and good read too always works for dogs! One real thing I think you do a great job in have lots to follow and you follow it all...leaving great inspiration and humor as well....great happiness for you and family into the new year with good fortune to follow you everywhere!

  5. I think you are adorable the way you are! And who wants the body of a 21 year old anyway? (don't answer that question).

  6. I tend to avoid resolutions at the start of a year. I make them intermittently throughout instead, with the same degree of non-success.

    But, they say you should have a vision board showing you what to keep in your mind, so perhaps that half hour wasn't wasted.

    Speaking of, please tell me that's a Vietnamese spring roll in your right hand.

  7. Hahahahaha! You are AWESOME! What a great photoshop.

    Happy New Year Sir. May 2012 be healthy, prosperous and happy.

  8. If I were you, I'd restrict myself to 1 resolution. To fail at several is a lot worse than failing only one.

  9. Oh the body beautiful. See, Alan, the lady's like you. No resolutions for me this or any other year.

  10. Oh but Alan you did have fun putting that photo together. Have fun, that is the best resolution I can make. Looking good in the photo. The smile is worth a million resolutions. Blessings

  11. Way to go Alan! You are my inspiration.

  12. Happy New Year to you and the missus!! No resolution for me as I tend to do the opposite I planned...
    If I don't take any, perhaps something good will happen...

  13. Great photo of you in your younger days!!!
    I don't do resolutions. maybe I have just enough ego to say I don't need resolutions. It helps to be a little bit crazy.

  14. Did somebody get a new app for Christmas? I nearly got that one, but look at all the hours I saved by not buying it! I’m glad you did though because it made me smile.

    As we sat on a mountain top today I had the same conversation with my husband that we have every year:

    ME: “Made any New Year’s resolutions then?
    HIM: Nope. You?
    ME: No, but I thought about it.

  15. Happy New Year Alan. My New Year resolution is to achieve a better work-life balance, so am starting off by working at home tomorrow.

  16. I wondered why the sleeves were being rolled up yesterday - you mean action! The funny thing is that the older I get, the less I want to change over the next year and the more I think I'd be happy if I stayed exactly the same.

  17. Your picture just shows how beneficial pint lifting is, in the quest for a perfect physique.

  18. I don't think that is a real photograph. I think you just stuck it all together.
    If only eating less, exercising more, and losing weight were that easy! Interesting lighting, sun in front, sun behind, what a wonderful world! Happy NY Alan!

  19. haha..Now, I just KNOW the GLW wanted that photo of you on the front of the refrigerator! :)

  20. Great photo! Happy new Year!

  21. I'm looking forward to more fat dog adventures! And best of luck with the other ones as well.

  22. P.S.
    Since we only ever see you from the neck up anyway, I always assumed that your physique was just as pictured here.

  23. Oh, heck, I thought it was you in your younger days.

    Your list bears a slightly sinister resemblance to mine, apart from the dog walking - we don't have a blog but I was thinking of walking WITHOUT a dog.

    I haven't done anything about them in the irst 4 days of January. Still, there's always tomorrow and the rest of 2012, isn't there?

  24. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I gave up on New Year's Resolution after I fell asleep waiting on the Stork to bring Melissa some 38 years ago — I wanted to wring its neck.

    Your post is hilarious.

  25. Onward and less outward. I have gained a lot of my lost weight back again. It's the taste of sugar that is to blame. It needs to taste less sweet.

  26. Ah the dog walker thing EH? Good luck with that.
    Hope you use the iPhone to help you stay on course.

  27. Happy New Year Alan! You look great ..forget all that working out..just walk Amy:)


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...