Friday, January 20, 2012

Sepia Saturday 109 : Mother, Father, Practice Child And Doll

Someone else chose the Sepia Saturday theme this week and this means that, at long last, I can soar with the themers and escape the dark clouds of suspicion that my theme photograph might have been a convenient plant (no, not a rhododendron, not that kind of a plant). Anyway the theme was a doll which gave me the opportunity to feature this photograph which comes from the collection of small prints held together by an ancient elastic band (a.k.a. the family archives). Now I am pretty certain that is my father, and equally that appears to be my mother (I have to incorporate a degree of uncertainty as I am notoriously bad at recognising people and I have been known to walk past the GLW without realising who it was). But given that it is indeed my mother Gladys and my father Albert, who on earth is that chubby faced, curly-haired child? It doesn't look a bit like my brother Roger and I am sure I never looked like that. What is more it appears to be a girl and not a boy. Were they perhaps practicing before my brother was born: testing their child-rearing skills on some local urchin to see if they liked the idea, in the same way you can sometimes look after a dog before acquiring one for keeps? Hopefully my brother will see this post and have some suggestions which might solve the mystery.

There are lots of other old images over on the Sepia Saturday Blog. Be a doll and go over there and take a look.


  1. The child may not look like you or your brother, but I think it looks like your father.

  2. Ha! Wonderful photo, Alan, and I hope that they mystery will be solved soon. Maybe she is just a neighbor kid?

    Happy Sepia Saturday, it is good to be back.

    Kathy M.

  3. You might have spotted a 'gap in the market', a new business opportunity for people to make money out of those notoriously money hungry items; kids. Why not rent them out for people to practice on. If you set up a business I'll expect a 'finders fee'.

  4. Now that's a super sepia snap! :)

  5. I'm a tad curious as to what Postcardy may be suggesting...!

  6. Maybe your mother was practicing ventriloquism. Or maybe it's a cousin.

  7. That's me i'm sure! Those are my curls! But waitna minute. That is not my doll....

  8. This time you have me stumped! I'd say that it was taken before they got married, but where? Could it be the back to back houses along Artic Parade and could it be a child from Uncle John's first marriage?

    I imagine that in 50 years time some Sepia Saturday commentators will trying to identify all my countless children and wives!

  9. Until I read the post by Roger, I would have said that the child was Roger, but wait, Roger didn't play with dolls, did he?

  10. Alan, I just thought of a possibly theme in the upcoming weeks. Hairdos, and should I say hair styles for men, women and children. Just a thought.

  11. More people would do well to find local urchins to practice on before having their own children. Perhaps the practice your parents obtained with this child served to benefit you all. :)

  12. I see others are thinking along my thought waves, a dangerous place, but yes I agree if people had practice time with children they might have different ideas...Could the girl on your mom's lap be a cousin or neighbor? She came equipped with doll.

  13. And I don't suppose they dressed you or Roger in girls' clothing...
    As always, your parents look dashing.

  14. Not that's a puzzler- and that doll is a wee bit creepy looking. Nice shot of your parents.

  15. Quite a large child, about 2 or 3 I'd say, perhaps a family member? young cousin? Yes, I do think a girl. What did your brother say?

  16. OK, Let's review the evidence so far. Roger doesn't know who the child is but suggests the picture was taken fairly early, even before they were married in 1936. The location is also a bit of a mystery, it could be Arctic Parade or it could be Shipley where they lived briefly after they were married. The idea that it was one of Uncle John's children (our only cousins) needs further research : I will report back

  17. I have to agree that there is some family resemblance - without casting aspersions. I hope you find the answer because it’s a lovely shot. The little girl looks a bit unsure and I don’t think that dolly really helped matters. It’s the sort with a cloth body and a stuck on face (a bit like mask) and it can give a somewhat unsettling appearance. Your parents, by contrast, look very much at ease.

  18. I hope you find out who the mystery child is. She and her doll do look a bit worried while your parents look pleased that they completed the alloted time with the trial child with flying colors.

  19. The mysteries of Sepia Saturday! It's a perfectly delightful photo, & wonderful that it can spur some family research.

  20. This picture reminds me what people say about other people's children. They are fun to give back.
    Definitely a family likeness there.

  21. "Gootle-Of-Gear...Gootle-Of-Gear..."

  22. well whoever she is, I love her curls! :) If it is Roger, I'm sure he's fussing about those girly shoes and dress he was put in! lol...

  23. No older sisters so it must be the child of a friend or relative..she is looking off to the her Mother is there. Your father looks dashing!:)

  24. Such a wealth of mystery photos you have Alan! Enough for several familes!

  25. Anonymous11:53 AM

    How thoughtful of your parents to get a bit of practice in before Roger and you arrived. I think the doll is a bit scary! Jo

  26. I will have to return to see if the mystery of the little girl is solved as that seems to have overtaken the subject of the doll. I seem to be the odd one out in that I like the doll.

  27. Well at least they practiced before they had you!

  28. it is a wonderful photo. Your parents are darling and I love the curls. I agree the doll is creepy. Where and when do you think this picture took place

  29. The doll looks like a carnival toy. And believe it or not, some fetch big prices at auction. That is one chubby child, and the shadows add to her interesting aspect.

  30. That child is most definitely wanting to get to someone off frame. Moments later it dropped the doll and arms outstretched began yelling for her momma. The expression on your folks faces changed drastically.

  31. A visiting niece???

  32. A great mystery that I'll bet will never be solved, but what fun to try.

    Thanks for all your wonderful comments. You always seem to think of something unique and thoughtful to say.


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