Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Athena, Hephaestus And The Full Monty

The main photograph is a recent scan of a shot I took back in the mid 1980s of the entrance to Green Lane Works in Sheffield. The old gatehouse had fallen into serious disrepair at the time, but was later restored as the second photograph shows. On my photograph you can make out the two recessed statues of Athena, the goddess of arts and crafts, and Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths. Green Lane Works was built in the 1790s by the firm of Hoole and Co who were manufacturers of stoves and fenders. Although the gatehouse is listed by English Heritage, it appears that it has once again fallen into disrepair and it was recently added to the national Heritage At Risk Register. If the structure seems somewhat familiar, you might recall that it was used as one of the locations in the film "The Full Monty", but your mind might have been on other things at the time.


  1. They didn't do the heating for Sir Gurney de Stove, did they?

  2. A fine entrance.

  3. Loved the film.

  4. Quite a contrast with black and white and then color.

  5. Never saw that movie..but I do like the different color of accent bricks:)

  6. I was startled that I recognized the name on the entrance: W. A. Tyzack & Co Ltd. They were a very respected tool maker and I have hand saws made by them. (Sheffield steel is champion!)

    Here is a long photo tour through these abandoned Green Lane works:

  7. I kept trying to figure out where the gate house is and then it dawned on me that the entire structure shown here must be the gate house. All in my good time. :)


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...