Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Rare As Hen's Teeth

We don't carry advertising on this blog nor do we promote commercial products (this, I should point out, is not due to ethical principles but because nobody has yet made us an offer). Nevertheless, a blog does allow you to highlight above average service when you are lucky enough to come accross it. Thus we have introduced the Hen's Teeth Award For Outstanding Consumer Service. I am pleased to announce the first recipient is Pipex Hosting Services.
I have several websites hosted by Pipex under its Webfusion persona. Following my decision to roll-back my European work I decided not to renew the hosting account for ibeurope.com. The story gets a little complicated, but it became necessary to phone the company to sort out the non-renewal of the account. Being deaf, I normally dread such encounters. I get worked up if I can't understand what someone is saying on the phone which makes it even more difficult to follow what is going on. This morning I took the plunge and called the number. I was put through to a human operator very quickly, the person concerned was helpful and charming in equal quantities, and the problem was sorted in no time at all. If Pipex manage to access this posting please note that I am not sure of the name of the operator. However, I am sure you can identify her. If you do, look after her. She's good. And in this day and age that's as rare as hen's teeth.


  1. On the extremely rare occasions I've had to call Pipex (they are our provider) they have always been brilliant Which is why we've stuck with them despite the lack of (extremely temporarily) cheaper offers made by others. One of which recently even went bust after a mere three years hanging all its customers out to dry, I heard the other day.

    So, right on, baby! (And get back painting.)

  2. I can't. It's raining.

  3. Here it's merely amazingly cold. Outside the house, that is (central heating back to all day again...)


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...