Thursday, May 06, 2010

Theme Thursday : Pink

As I think I said on the Theme Thursday Blog : Cometh the day, cometh the colour. (OK, I didn't get the spelling right on the Theme Thursday Blog, but you know what I mean). It is election day here in the UK and the British political scene is still colour-coded (do political parties in other countries have tribal colours they are identified by?). The colour for the Labour Party used to be red, but over the years it has increasingly become pink-tinted. During my very (very) brief political career, bright red was still  in fashion and I have managed to dig-out one of my old election leaflets - yes that is me in the top picture! If I recall rightly, about 121 citizens of North Ward voted for me and I was not elected (it has to be said that it was probably the most Conservative - the most blue - ward in London). Looking back at the leaflet I am not sure whether the most embarrassing aspect is the dreadful photograph or the claim that I was "deeply concerned with the housing problems of young married people" 

Unlike most of the gutter press, I will not presume to tell readers how they should vote. They can, if they so desire, be pinky-red or yellow (or blue if they really insist on it). I know how I will vote. As I walk into the polling station I will be singing that old hymn to myself : "Change and decay in all around I see, O thou who changest not, abide with me"


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    What a fabulous leaflet - from the days when you knew what the parties actually represented :o)

  2. Cambridge Lady : Yes, back in those days spin was something you did to your wet clothes.

  3. intriguing take on the theme alan...but if you dont tell me how to vote i wont know what to do...smiles.

  4. Alan, looking at your photo, I think you look younger now than you did back then!
    I know where my vote will go. But the words 'in', 'icicle's', 'hell' and 'chance' spring to mind.

  5. Brian : I actually heard a spokesman for the Conservative Party comment on the Labour Party appeal for supporters to vote tactically by saying "it is appalling that any political party should attempt to tell voters who they should or should not vote for and if people feel the same as me they should vote Conservative"
    Kabb Rookie : I look younger now than 36 years ago! You get my vote every time.

  6. I'm fairly consistent and straightforward in my voting, too, Alan. Had to laugh at the photo..that doesn't even look like you! How fun to see it, though.
    Happy voting!

  7. Well, I'll have to admit, I've proved to be inconsistent in my voting pattern. This dyed in the wool Republican girl voted for Obama in the last election, I'm proud to say.

    Fun seeing the cute 1974 you!

  8. Well, you certainly look more fun than the other two gentlemen on the leaflet!

    Our main parties here are colour-coded, too. I'm a red-blooded Liberal ... always have been, always will be. My mother is from, as in related to closely, a well-known Liberal political family in Canada.

  9. Great Photo Of You! Vote For Alan!

  10. You red radical hippie, you! This is great, Alan. I would never have guessed that you were once a candidate for public office on the Labour ticket. Did you win?

  11. Never mind! I just went back and reread the post, only to see that you didn't win. It makes me wonder where you'd be today id you'd won.

  12. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Alan, this is so cool... look at you! in your 20s.. times gone by for sure... thanks for sharing... "BURNETT FOR PRIME MINISTER" :) The Bach

  13. The primaries always work!
    Happy voting... I hope you get your way. -J

  14. Voting Day! Doesn't it just inspire everyone? It does me. Everyone gathering together to have a say in their's wonderful. Let the voices be heard!

  15. The closest I ever got to being politically active, was during my time as a shop steward.

    Did you ever run again, after 1974?

  16. Where are they now..? I agree you look a darn sight more handsome these days. Glad to note that rumours of Merton's death were very much exaggerated, though I do wonder about the gentleman at the bottom of the leaflet..

  17. I heard the Tories look like having won but without a majority! Tony will be spewing! Gorgeous leaflet. Your good lady wife is a patient woman given the stuff you hoard! The major parties here are virtually indescernable frankly. Just between you me and a plethora of commenters . . what's with holding polls on a Thursday! Surely a weekend would be easier for people to turn out?

  18. HAHAHAH!

    Young married people should all be homeless, dangit!

    liestica - promises politicians have no intention of keeping

  19. You certainly were cute, Alan! Let us know the results of the latest elections as American news has become so celebrity crazed that EU elections hardly merit mention these days.

  20. Never in the field of human voting has the fate of so few been decided by so many ill-informed.

    Today's seciroty word is 'hapfulis', which must mean to be full of happiness.

  21. I meant'security'.

    This time it's 'ectorag', which is a ghostly toe-rag.


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