Friday, March 25, 2011

Sepia Saturday 67 : Trousers Pulled Up To His Party Political Neck

I am not 100% sure about these three. I think the one on the right - the one with his trousers hitched up to his neck - is my father but I can't be sure. There are elements of my fathers' face but that is not his hair. If it is my father it was taken when he was very young - the mid 1920s would be my best guess. But things get strangers when we examine his companions, for isn't that David Cameron, the current British Prime Minister slouching next to him? But the photograph was taken 40 years before he was born. And who is the figure in the background? I seem to know the face, that "look what I've done" grin. Am I being silly or is there a touch, just a little touch, of Ed Miliband (the current Leader of the Opposition) about him? And  if that is the case the third must be Nick Clegg (the Leader of the Liberal Democrats) - but that means I am Nick Clegg's son.

Oh heck, this post is turning into a nightmare! I am off to calm down by looking at some other Sepia Saturday 67 posts by following the links on the Sepia Saturday Blog. Hitch your trousers up and come and join me.


  1. That shows that a lot of people look more or less alike.

  2. Trouble x 3 if you ask me. LOL.

  3. I just love this photograph, Alan. The faces seem to be lit with the prospect of better days. They had no idea what awaited them, and it's precisely that innocence that's captured here.

  4. your father resembles the film star, tom courteney. I just saw him in a film this week "The loneliness of the long distance runner". Check it out - maybe he's your father.
    love your father's pants. too funny.
    ladies of the grove

  5. Hi Alan; I do like the three jolly fellows with their trousers pulled up. When I lived in the Northern Rivers, New south Wales, I always laughed when I saw a certain Politician, he always had his trousers pulled up like this. It looked so funny; I wondered why his wife never told him.

  6. There is a definite likeness between this young man and David Cameron; though I can't ever imagine David Cameron wearing a suit with a button missing. He's far too slick. (A bit like their greased back hairstyles)

  7. Excellent! I thought trousers up-to-the-neck were only for fatties like Patrick Moore and me. Your father is decidedly slim in this picture. Perhaps he was aspiring to middle-age spread? And don't worry, none of these men in your photo look like politicians, they have a look of honesty and decency about them.

  8. Of course I don't know any of the fellows names mentioned in this post but I like that study in male fashions and expressions. Fun post Alan.

  9. those are some pretty big pants your might be father is wearing.

  10. They are surely Time-Traveling-Celebreties. You have simply caught them out of the time in which they should be. I write about this every so often when I find someone who looks like SOMEONE. I believe it's a privilege of celebrities that we regular folk are not supposed to know about. Every so often they're caught out of time and we have proof that the time traveling exists. And no, I haven't been drinking.

  11. Excellent post ...but whoever these three are they do look like characters!

  12. Teenagers just didn't exist in those days, did they? It was an immediate migration to adulthood, and all that goes with it.

  13. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Very big trousers indeed :-)

  14. They definitely have an air of mischief about them. If given a choice, I prefer those pants pulled high rather than falling down with the underwear showing.

  15. Perhaps the trousers were a bit large but they certainly look better than those who wear gangbanger pants today.

  16. Alan Clegg? lol....

    Love the suspenders and high trousers. Boy, a teenager wouldn't be caught dead in those these days!

    I agree that they all look mischievious..especially the one in the back! :)

  17. And I'll bet all three boys thought they were just dapper and quite handsome! They sure have happiness written all over their faces...who ever they or not..they enjoyed themselves you can just tell!

  18. I'm always in trouble for not pulling my trousers up far enough. It must be the paunch that gets in the way.
    I thought of Cleggy too.

  19. the nightmare here is those high waisted pants!!!!!!

  20. Fine fellows. An example of the exact opposite to the current fashion of trouser wear amongst the youth.

  21. which remonds me of an old sex joke,
    it's too high, it's too low, it's too late...
    might ring a bell with some folks, and this was not the whole story... but this is not TONY's blog, so....
    (and it was a french joke... oops!!)

  22. Like Peggy, I don't know any of the men you mention in this post but the photo is wonderful. I think it looks like your father, too, compared to the photos of him as an adult that you've shown us. The hair may have been slicked back in the style of the day.

  23. Interesting take on the "true identities" of these young ne'er-do-wells. I subscribe to a British newspaper online, so I can see the eerie resemblances you mention!

  24. It's the wrong trousers, Gromit, and they've gone wrong! Stop them, Gromit! Stop them! Help me! Gr-Gromit! The trousers have gone haywire! Get me out!

  25. And my girls think the 1980's were prime for high-waisted pants. Well, these look more like nipple-waisted pants... :)


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