Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Strange Upside Down World Of A Malt Whisky Drinker

Cousin Dave and I have a mirror to hang today. The task must have been on my mind last night as I went to bed. A couple of glasses from a freshly opened bottle of 10 year old Laphroaig meant that I got to sleep without any trouble at all, but I have always found that a good malt does tend to prompt rather vivid dreams.  The dream was vivid but remarkably simple. We drilled the wall, fixed the heavy-duty hook and hung the mirror. We stepped back to admire our workmanship. Something was clearly wrong. "Oh bugger", said Cousin Dave, "we've hung it upside down"


  1. Absolutely brilliant photo, Alan! And just FYI, I have a bottle of 15-year-old Laphroaig here that I pour a wee dram from on special occasions.

  2. Roy : Let me know on your next special occasion and I will raise a glass in unison on this side of the Atlantic.

  3. Alan, I cannot fathom out why there's a standard lamp screwed to the ceiling - nor why there are radiators around the top of the room.

  4. Great photo and dream! I love hearing people's dreams. Laphroaig is certainly an excellent and tasty sleep inducer.

  5. Okay, I now I want you to dance on the ceiling like Astaire in "Royal Wedding".

  6. So, basically, Dave only noticed, upon reflection?

  7. Martin : Indeed he did as he tends not to read the Mirror.

  8. Hilarious! Love the photo.

  9. i have never drank so much as to make the mirrors go upside down...ok how did you do that?

  10. Wonderful photo but it certainly has me confused ...I feel as though I need a wee dram of your drink to make it make sense!

  11. Hahahaha! "Cork sniffer" . . funny shot.

  12. I could do with a bottle of that !

  13. "Oh bugger," said Cousin Dave, "we've hung it upside down."

    Alan, I once saw a cartoon which placed a sign at the edge of the universe. It read, "This End Up" The sign was upside down. Explains a few things doesn't it.

  14. Heh! Worthy of Rene Magritte.

    I remember as a kid lying on the floor looking at the ceiling and thinking that our house would be so much more interesting if it were upside down...having to step over door thresholds and such.

  15. Oh, Sean - I used to do that too. What a nice reminder. Alan, it's worth coming to your posts late - not just for the joy of the post itself but for the quality of the comments thread. I much enjoyed this one.

  16. I need to buy some of that whiskey.


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