Monday, November 28, 2011

I Will See Your Market, And Raise You Another Market

It's always been the same, a kind of fraternal jealousy : what one does, the other tries to do better. So after I had posted my picture of Halifax Market yesterday, what does my brother do but post one of his sketches of the same scene. I haven't his permission to reproduce it here but he owes me the price of a new camera battery so I will just do it.

So, what he can do, I can do. Therefore at the top of this post is another picture of Halifax Market and this one dates back forty years or more (the prices of the goods are in pre-decimal money). My picture must pre-date his sketch as the central stall was still called "Under The Clock" in my picture rather than the more recent Max Crossley.

It's your move, dear brother!


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The spontaneity of the sketch is good and after reading some of Roger's older posts, I favor it a lot.

    I also like the photo you too. Nice to see.

  2. Whenever we go on holiday we try to inspect the old markets. The buildings themselves are wonderful.

  3. Now that's what I call a fruit and veg stall.

    I'm left wondering who will be first to show their hand, not counting the clock, obviously.

  4. As my mother would say, "they are both very nice Alan."

  5. Wow! Both brothers do great work in your family. I enjoyed the photo and the sketch.

    Have a great week,

    Kathy M.

  6. Oh cool! I love them both. I would definitely buy a sketch like that if I saw it in a market stall.

  7. Thankfully ,The Upper Market Is Still Going Strong!

  8. We don't have markets here like that..I would imagine it would be quite an adventure! Your brother is a very talented artist:)

  9. Now then boys! Wel I like them all, but for different reasons. I meant to ask Roger if the cryptic question in the top right of his sketch, was comment by a passer-by!

  10. Ah, I'm starting to feel that Halifax market is an old friend now :) I bet they sold tripe in the old days and don't sell it now. I haven't seen a tripe shop for years

  11. I’m weighing up my next move...Tomorrow it will be Check Mate.

  12. Oh, I love them both! And I love the sibling rivalry! Alan, I think you've given me an idea for a post!

  13. Love the brotherly pairing of market scenes!

  14. Took a look when you said forty years ago as I hadn't looked closely the first time. Yeah, old scales...head scarves?
    Great shot to cause some thoughts about the past.

  15. Cool pictures, both of them. The old market seems like a magic view of such a long time ago. It is a great drawing by Roger. He has a lot of energy surging through his work.

  16. Great photos (counting the one in the earlier post) & loved the sketch as well.

  17. Love it Im not sure we have anything quite like it except perhaps Victoria Markets in Melbourne which still have their lovely Victorian facades. Most here are just trashy.


Grey And Great