Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Shopping

It is Sunday, and even though it is stormy and wet outside, the GLW will shortly announce that we are going shopping (shopping is the default activity of the GLW). I would prefer to stop at home and do nothing in particular (my default activity) but no doubt the lure of the shops will win this particular tug-of-matrimonial-war before the day is out. I will try suggesting that we should stay in and look at pictures of shops : but I doubt if this approach will be successful.

This is a picture of Halifax market. I can still remember the central fruit and vegetable stall (Max Crossley's) from when I was a young lad, indeed I think I have some old black and white shots taken fifty years ago of almost the same scene. The market was built in the last decade of the nineteenth century and is a spectacular glass and wrought iron construction surrounded - like the decorated edges of a fruit cake - by fine stone buildings. Originally it incorporated three pubs but I seem to think that only one of them remains. Indeed I am not sure if that is still open - I must go and check. "Hello love, do you fancy going to Halifax shopping this afternoon?"


  1. Sounds as though you're a reluctant contestant in 'Strictly Come Shopping', Alan.

  2. Great shot, Alan! It reminds me of some of the older "malls" here in the US.

  3. You need to get outmoreAlan, these covered markets are great places with a small camera. On top of that they often have pie stalls.

  4. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I do agree with John. It is amazing what the air will do for you plus the mix of exhaled breath. Got your flu shot yet?

  5. She’ll see straight through that one! These covered markets are similar in many English towns. I remember Lancaster had one when we visited, and my home city of Nottingham, before Central Market got moved into the Victoria Centre.

  6. I was totally flabbergasted to find a traditional, northern, indoor market in Bath.

  7. I miss the outdoor markets where one could find just about anything...Nice photo. Take your camera, you might find something interesting.

  8. Oh I'd say I would fancy shopping at this market place for sure. It brings back memories of when I was shopping in England a couple years ago...a very lovely photo indeed, and I'm sure you both had a marvelous time there! How could you not, right!

  9. I'm not much of a shopper but this place does look interesting. Hopefully, it still has the pub.

  10. Sounds like a worthy compromise. You must tell us who won! I think I have a similar photo to this somewhere in my archives. That clock thingy in the centre just begs to have its photo taken.

  11. Toffee Smith's what? Crossley's what? The possessive apostrophe s represents another word? Maybe shop or store or place? Interesting.

  12. A very interesting market. I also hate shopping. Fortunately my better half will walk to the mall and she doesn't have to put up with me.

  13. Unless it's a second-hand bookshop or a flea market, I'm not a big shopper. But you knew that...

  14. Now that is a shop I wouldn't mind visiting! Outlet malls just don't have any charm.

  15. Nice to see you are so compliant.
    So, is there still a pub?

  16. I'm not much of a shopper but outdoor markets with a pub nearby, that I'd be into.

  17. It's a beautiful market building. What a pity to know about the closed pubs!. At least, one it's essential for the aperitif moment ;-)

  18. I love these old covered markets, often think they're not valued as much as they should be. Well get yer boots on and go then! :)

  19. this looks like a really cool i'm not normally a fan of shopping but going to the farmers market is a treat as there is so much to see...

  20. I'm not much for shopping, but toffee and fruit sounds good.


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