Friday, January 01, 2016

In Which The Author Reveals Details Of His Grand Blogging Plan For 2016

It's the 1st of January, the start of a new year, and tradition dictates that my post has to be dripping with resolutions about being a better and more consistent blogger. This year I don't think I will even bother listing what I would like to achieve over the coming twelve months: I have decided to create the list in mid-December instead so it can look back and more accurately reflect what I have actually achieved. Released from the need to construct any such one year plan, I can better concentrate on the things this Blog should be focusing on - meaningless speculation, idle tittle-tattle, and the unfettered exploration of the irrelevant.

Perhaps I should start with my hand. I had an appointment at the hospital earlier this week and they seemed quite pleased with its progress even though, to me, it feels like my hand has been replaced by a useless lump of swollen lard. I had hoped that the recovery process would be analysed by a series of high tech investigations and scans, but the surgeon took a brief look at it, bent my finger straight with all the enthusiasm of a member of the Spanish Inquisition and said things seem to be progressing well and to report back in another six weeks. I am supposed to have physiotherapy, and each night I have to wear a splint on my hand in  order to encourage my finger to straighten. I can't help thinking that the joints in my little finger would respond better to the carrot rather than the stick, and I am tempted to ditch the tortuous splint and replace it with the promise of a tumbler of Laphroaig if my finger makes efforts to straighten its act whilst I am asleep. Disappointed in not having a hospital scan of my finger to share with you, I decided on a do-it-yourself approach using my desktop flatbed scanner. The results seem quite effective - I must suggest it to the local hospital as a potential way of saving money.

In other news, we are actively investigating the possibilities of a replacement for the irreplaceable Amydog, I am still trying to cure myself of the addiction of buying boxes of old negatives on eBay, we have booked a cruise for later this year .... and a great flood of Biblical proportions has beset Yorkshire. Perhaps I will get around to discussing some of these at greater length in posts to come - it all depends what is in the Grand Blogging Plan for 2016, the details of which I will formulate in twelve months time. For the time being .... A Happy and Peaceful New Year to you all.


  1. An Happy New Year to you, my friend! I trust 2016 brings you health, wealth (in moderation) and much happiness.

  2. The use of the word 'an' instead of 'a' was produced by speaking in Lancashire dialect, but I forgot to drop the aitches...

  3. A Happy New Year to you and yours Alan, and you know you can always rely on me to lend a hand.

  4. Happy New Year, Alan! I like your resolution plan; it makes far more sense than the traditional set-up for failure.

  5. Happy New Year. The plan sounds good. As for the hand, I will take it from you and the doc that it is looking better.... You should try both the carrot and the stick. Or maybe you could splint it with a carrot.

  6. All of your plans seem worth pursuing. Happy new year.

  7. For your sake I hope the hand recovers in the next six weeks. I share your opinion about resolutions. Have a great 2016.

  8. Happy New Year. You are inspiration always.

  9. Ah yes, the sound of one hand clapping. As always, I look forward to reading more about what might have been in the coming year, Alan. Cheers!

  10. Well I enjoyed seeing your scan and look forward to your lofty blogging resolutions:) A pint or two might help straighten that finger out:)

  11. Your 2016 is going to be fantastic. Trust me on this. I went ahead and looked.

  12. My best to you and your wife. Pain is not fun so you should try to do something else. I think everyone needs to have a furry friend. Have a great new year.

  13. Happy New Year Alan and GLW. Hope your finger straightens and your hand feels better very soon. So far 2016 has featured so much washing and ironing I feel quite shattered. A sign of things to come perhaps?


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