Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sat On A Deckchair Reviewing The Rajar Purchase


I have been at it again! Another day, another eBay purchase : accumulating more "junk" just at the time of life I should be divesting myself of worldly possessions. The purchase this time was a small collection of old photographs contained within a vintage "film and print wallet" bearing the name "Rajar". This is a famous name in terms of British photographic history, a pioneer in the production of photographic film and papers which eventually became part of the "Ilford" company.

The wallet, I suspect, dates from the mid 1920s, although the twenty-odd photos within it are an eclectic bunch. The fact that I don't know anything about them makes them even more interesting in terms of exploration. So with the photos in front of me I stand on the shores of a new and unexplored continent - or rather I sit in my deckchair enjoying the summer sun whilst sifting through the "Rajar Purchase".


  1. Old photos in it, a new project for you. I like that photo "wallet".

  2. It is a wonderful purchase. I really admire the photo for its perfect visual quality. Classic shot that would be in a museum if all the great work could be placed there. Waling through history and researching it all the way.

  3. That women is not just sitting on a deckchair. I'm sure she's writing a holiday message on a postcard! Now if only you can find that postcard...

  4. The Rajar Purchase sounds like a land purchase scheme, like the Louisiana Purchase.

  5. What a wonderful hat! If you see one of them on eBay I'll have it please.
    And what in the world is an anastigmatic lens?


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...