Monday, April 22, 2019

Saving Souls

Like some latter-day Victorian parson, I occasionally think I am in the business of saving souls. Many of the nineteenth century studio portraits that come into my possession are showing their age: spots of mould eat into the very soul of the image. A little careful renovation makes them fit fore another century or two.

This is a Cabinet Card from the studio of Alfred Hughes of 433, The Strand, London. Normally one has no idea of whom the subjects of such portraits are, but here we have been provided with a signature at least - and the Rev W Murray seems set to save some souls of his own.


  1. The healing power of Photoshop. I feel it too!

  2. That fine handwriting lent respect due features, to.


Albert And Rose

All praise those sainted mortals who When given a photo know what to do With pencilled words small and clear Discreetly say on the photos re...