Tuesday, April 23, 2019


This was advertised as a vintage postcard on eBay, but it shows a Halifax I remember well. I caught a bus from that stop, I went to the Saturday morning cinema club at that cinema. I have become vintage in my own lifetime.

A little further investigation gives a more reliable date range. The Victoria Hall was still being used as a cinema which means that it was before 1953. Miss Tatlock's Millions starring Wanda Hendrix was first released in 1948, so it must have been after that. With such a time window, I was undoubtedly around, albeit on the young side. 

With nothing better to do, I went over to YouTube and watched the first part of Miss Tatlock's Millions. Vintage as I may be, I hope I have aged better than the film!

1 comment:

  1. All Of Your Vintage Photos Are Magical - Thanx For Sharing



Musical Conflagration

It must have been the same day as the "Fire In Halifax" photos I featured earlier this week as this image is on the same strip of ...