Monday, May 03, 2010

Time For A Change

It is a momentous week here in Britain. A feeling that change is long overdue is in the air, wafting like a springtime breeze and stirring up the dust of complacency. There is an acceptance that things have been left to stagnate for far too long and that now is the time for decisiveness and strong government. There is a belief that conventions, which may have served us well in the past, now need to be thrust aside in order to forge new paradigms and erect new frames of reference. Indeed, it is time for a change.

I am talking, of course, about my blogs. You will no doubt recall that a few weeks ago I launched a period of soul-searching in order to decide whether to continue to maintain all my diverse individual blogs or whether to let loose the dogs of consolidation. You may also recall that I, for a time, engaged in a bout of mild flirtation with a federal solution but eventually grew tired of that rather cumbersome and artificial beast. It is now clear that I cannot put off this vital decision any longer : decisiveness is the order of the day. In the words of that old Ukrainian proverb : "The wingless chicken must befriend the predictable mule".

In the spirit of the times, I have decided upon a bit of a compromise. I will form a grand coalition of two of my blogs : News From Nowhere and A Pint of Best, whilst leaving the Daily Photo Blog as a separate entity. The latter will change slightly however, becoming a daily showcase for not only my own photographs but photographs from the great on-line photographic archives of the world. Fat Dog To The Big Apple will remain a separate enterprise, albeit a slow-moving, stumbling, stop-and-start kind of enterprise. None of these changes will affect the Sepia Saturday Blog, which I merely administer on behalf of the wider community. 

So, there we are. The British people have spoken. The time for change has arrived. And in the words of the old French proverb : "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose".

Go to the latest post on Alan Burnett's Daily Photo Blog


  1. Sounds like a typical Liberal policy to me...

  2. "The wingless chicken must befriend the predictable mule".!!!! I Must Remember That One 'Next Time I Order in K.F.C.

  3. The Alan has spoken!

  4. Is this the same Ukrainian proverb, as uttered by John Higgins on a recent visit to Kiev?

  5. Love the Ukrainian proverb.

  6. Hmmmm... Ukrainian proverbs, yet! A momentous event indeed! I'm looking forward to not having to go elsewhere to read A Pint of the Best.

  7. I must confess that I haven't yet read your other blogs! I'll be happy to sip a pint while imbibing news from nowhere, and I promise I'll pick the daily photo off the coffee table one of these days!

  8. Brilliant decision, Alan! I had a hard enough time keeping up with one blog...I don't know how you multi-blog people do it! :)

  9. Anonymous5:39 PM

    "Time for a Change".. this has been in the air all over the world. What the heck is going on?...Let's all meet with Tony at K.F.C....and all order that wingless chicken. Best to you Alan on changing your blog. I need to do the same...get a new header pic at least! :) The Bach

  10. Looking forward to your changes, Alan. Unlike politicians who promise that, you'll deliver!

  11. How fitting that I had written about "standing out" while you write about A Time For Change! It must be in the air...
    Really do give it some thought. It could be anything, that's the beauty of it. The worst that could happen is it doesn't work out, but trying is the key. I know if you were to put your mind to anything, it would work! Amazing what the human spirit can accomplish when it sets out to do something.

  12. if i knew a predictable mule...
    nice, change is good...

  13. I was quite distracted by the postcard depicting the moderate as a bit of an ugly fat cat! Speaks volumes! Sweet. I'm glad you're combining a couple because I rarely visit the other two but would like to see more of their content.

    Oh' I'm a predictable mule . . know any good lookin' wingless chickens?


Excelsior Forgotten

This photo of my mother sat on my fathers' Excelsior motorbike dates, I think, from the 1940s. It was taken at our house on Southmere Dr...