Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Salty Rigging And The Three Graces

It is hard for a Yorkshireman to say this, but - Liverpool is a very attractive city (I have carefully timed this confession so that it only appears after my friend Denis has crossed the Atlantic). The photograph shows a clipper (I think its a clipper, but no doubt one of my nautical friends will correct me if I am wrong) moving from the Canning Dock to the Albert Dock. The spectacular architecture of the famous "three graces" - the Liver Building, the Cunard Building and the Liverpool Dock Board - can be seen in the background. If I look at the picture long enough I can almost hear the wind in the rigging and taste the salt in the air.


  1. Love those old boats.

  2. I know how you feel, Alan. I'm no sailor, but I love to see this type of boat on the water.

  3. Wow, Liverpool has changed since I was there. I think the City of Culture thing must have done it a lot of good. I'll have to pay a return visit. Lovely photo, Alan.

  4. Actually, the rig is that of a fore-and-aft schooner.

  5. going to port to see the ships...i too love them...walking around the harbor too is a blast...have not been to this one, though i would not mind...

  6. Liverpool These Days Is Always A Pleasure To Visit (Much Better Than In My Student Days There In The 1970s).

  7. ((sigh)) I love port cities and harbors. And I miss Newport.

  8. What a great photograph. The various splashes of color and the juxtaposition of boats and buildings is wonderful. I miss the salty air of the ocean.

  9. Alan - you knew I would have to comment. It's a square rigged, two masted vessel, making it a brig.

  10. Alan - you knew I would have to comment. It's a square rigged, two masted vessel, making it a brig.

  11. I too hear that wind....lovely picture...quite fascinating...those old boats...

  12. It is a beautiful shot. I watched a Ruddie Maxa travel show yesterday showing the diverse sections of you London and all the surrounding areas. It was very interesting and I learn a lot that I did not know about all of the area.

  13. It is a beautiful shot. I watched a Ruddie Maxa travel show yesterday showing the diverse sections of you London and all the surrounding areas. It was very interesting and I learn a lot that I did not know about all of the area.

  14. I have to agree. Liverpool is great - and what a beatifully composed shot Alan. I saw that fancy new glass building being built but it wasn't finished. I think you could see more of the older buildings from the docks before.

  15. PS: I encourage you to visit Southwell, if you're not too busy cycling and swimming at Center Parcs. It's a very attractive little town.

  16. I agree. Liverpool is very attractive (except for the bits that are definitely not so!).

    I love this shot!

  17. Nice pic! I don't know anything about boats but I love them and coastal cities as well.

  18. I think that's at least partly a testament to your photographic skills. I have seen many photographs of Liverpool, but none quite like this.

  19. Wow the three graces in the background is such a lovely contrast. Been years since I went to Liverpool and was singularly unimpressed then. Perhaps I missed the good bits. As for boats? One of the great joys of living in a harbour city is the watercraft, I could watch for hours.

  20. The colors in that photo are so vivid--great shot!

  21. Dare I say Chairman's gaff rigged, not square rigged.

    I'll say no more, otherwise this could be fork and sheet lightening all over again!

  22. I've a third great-Grandmother from Liverpool and mystery to solve there as well. With your photo you've only sweetened the pot. But, with those views, how could I possibly pass on the harbor to bury my nose in books!

  23. Roger - you are indeed correct. I didn't spot the boom on my cursory inspection.A schooner it is.


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