Thursday, March 18, 2010

Theme Thursday - Scanning My Breakfast

This is going to be a relatively short post - I'm hungry and I want my breakfast. The reason I haven't had my breakfast already is because I decided to be clever today and to scan it as my Theme Thursday post. Silly idea really. First of all there is the tea and the orange juice. The only way you can scan that is in the appropriate receptacles and all you finish up with is a passing hint of orange through the glass bottom (you will have to take my word for it about the tea in the cup).

And then there was the toast - load of trouble that. If you put it on the scanner glass whilst it is still hot the whole thing steams up and you can't get a clear image. Wait until it is cold and not only do you have cold toast to look forward to, but toast which has by then had that weird electric blue scanning beam passing over it a couple of times. So I ditched the toast and turned to the tea only to discover that, by now, it had gone cold. So I ditched the tea and took comfort in the orange juice only to tip the whole bloody thing over on my desk. I have managed to mop it up but I have decided to abandon the exercise.

In place of my scanned breakfast let me give you a very short trailer publicising one of my favourite CD's of recent years, Stacey Kent's "Breakfast on the Morning Tram". There is a verse or two from the title song hidden away in this Blue Note clip.

To discover whether other bloggers had more success interpreting the Theme Thursday subject, take a look at the Theme Thursday blog.


  1. Scanning toast? I'm getting worried about you Alan.

    Did I see an image of Jesus just now in that slice of toast?

  2. Nah, Bill, it's a map of the British Isles. Sort of.

  3. Well spotted Bill. Thank goodness I didn't eat the cold toast. I have rescued it from the bin and I am now open to offers for it. Edwin, your interpretation is too prosaic for potential profitability.

  4. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "Scanwiches"...that's wot that's called. Someone actually started a blog about it...somewhere...

    ...never you mind, wot?

    Agree with you on the cold toast & tea tho'~~bleah!

  5. "scanwiches" Love it Subby.

  6. Just had a revelation whilst shaving, Ali. Those church posters should obviously read "Jesus Sells" rather than "Jesus Saves." Instant full churches!! I must write to the pope and The A of C.

  7. Crumbs! Great Idea Though.In return, i will be blogging tonight's Tea, ( chicken byryani)

  8. Tony, pity you are not having some typical Scandinavian fare.

  9. Not sure about your breakfast. I heard the 'breakfast on the tram' track a couple of weeks ago, loved it and bought the CD via iTunes (love my iTouch); it's a great CD for relaxing or driving on a sunny day.

  10. John : I agree with you about the CD (or rather the download). I love my iTouch as well and think the only way I will ever be parted from it is if I can persuade the GLW to buy me an iPhone (she can then have the iTouch)

  11. Ah, the wonderful Stacey Kent. She's great! She is muesli to my ears. Ho, ho.

  12. Scanned the two halves of my morning bagel once. The image looked like side-by-side seats in an outdoor loo, and try as I might, I still haven't gotten all the cream cheese off the underside of the scanner lid.

    Had better luck with a grilled cheese *scanwich*. Truth be known, however, it looked A LOT like the buttered side of a piece of toast (although you'd think the pickle next to it would've been the tip off that it was a GCS, not toast!).

  13. haha, ope you get to enjoy your breakfast the old fashioned way as tasting it. happy tt alan!

  14. You are so dedicated to sacrifice breakfast for your fan amusement! -J

  15. I believe that's Marge Simpson I see in the toast.

  16. Anonymous10:47 AM

    That is so funny! Isn't it odd how we look at things in blog-vision now. Hope you were able to get all the juice cleaned off your desk, so everything doesn't stick together.
    I had never heard Stacy Kent...very nice.

  17. JamaGenie : Delighted to be following in such exalted and eccentric footsteps as yours in terms of food scanning.

  18. Willow : I doubt whether I could raise as much in the auction from Marge Simpson fans as I could from the followers of one prophet or another, so in the interests of profits I will stick to prophets.

  19. Martin H and LadyCat : I had the pleasure of meeting Stacey K when she came and sang at our jazz festival a few years ago - delightful person in addition to a delightful voice.

  20. appears that stacey must have stepped out for breakfast!

    i do have a habit of breakfasting at the computer while reading bits of news or blogs and the keyboard shows it with it's coffee drop spots

  21. Hmmmm... Yeah, I can imagine that scanning breakfast liquids might be a little difficult. Have you had any offers on your Jesus Toast yet?

    Great post, Alan!

  22. Scanning breakfast :)? Well, why not? I did like the video very much. Here from TT, of course!

  23. Roy : No offers yet and I hope some come in soon as it is looking a little "tired".
    She Writes : Welcome

  24. I heard about Frosties the other day. Did our cold cereal routine make it back over the waters to you? I know that the crisping corn mush falling haphazardly on the stove incident that took place over here has years ago,has us in a rut of choosing and eating cold stuff out of boxes for breakfast for most of our lives.
    I am glad you kept the fluids in their containers when you scanned!!!!

  25. Anonymous4:06 PM

    OK, you've been there too long at the computer, Alan. Take a break "fast"! :) The Bach

  26. LD : Yes we have all the Kellog varieties.
    Bach : You are right - I'll take a break and go and scan my tea.

  27. Scanning your breakfast...what a clever idea for today's theme.

  28. I found your blog via TT, and I have to say, you are the first person I have ever met who has scanned their breakfast. Very interesting. And potentially messy. I can only imagine what my muesli and yogurt would have done to your scanner...

  29. That was a fun post to read, Alan. Wonders never cease. Some people eat their breakfast, others scan it.

  30. Thanks for the intro to Stacey Kent. Absolutely beautiful and perfectly appropriate for a relaxed weekend breakfast.

  31. lol! Scanning your breakfast. Now that's funny.

  32. Alan, just found your blog via Barry's post about falling. Don't you love his knack for story telling? Love your toast scanning (should it be scamming??) tale. Have a great weekend!

  33. Thanks for sharing your breakfast with us...literally! ha!

  34. Your toast needs something...butter and marmalde, perhaps???

  35. Wait a minute...did I see the name "K. Ishiguro" on that video? As in Kazuo Ishiguro of "Remains of the Day" and "We Were Orphans"(great book, by the way)???

    Loved the Stacey Kent; she reminds me of a cd we have by someone called Marion Price.

    I thought it was hilarious - the bit about the toast. Perhaps melba toast would work? Did you know I collect English stoneware from the 60s and 70s?

  36. Nice music to play with your toast and tea.

    My post for Theme Thursday is up here.

  37. Sounded like a good idea. sorry it did not work so well.

    Sorry I missed that theme. I have a great breakfast story. But, hubby's brother got his hand tangled up with a table saw so we had to make a quick trip out of town to be at his assistance. He had micro surgery but we do not know yet if it will take. He could loose two fingers on his dominant hand.

  38. I do believe your toast has a map to Atlantis on it.



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