Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Twitter For Gentlefolk : Postcard From Tauranga

You may recall that a couple of weeks ago I introduced the idea of  "Twitter For Gentlefolk", a project to encourage a renaissance in the grand old pastime of exchanging postcards. There is something extremely attractive about the very solidity of a postcard : whilst you can just about imagine that all of your blogger friends and contacts are individual sub-programmes of some Google super-computer, a postcard with real writing and a real stamp attached could never have been created by some airbrushed avatar.  But the digital age does allow us to do something that our Edwardian forebears with their satin padded postcard albums could never do - share the received cards with the wider world. Over the coming weeks I will share with you some of the cards I have received from other bloggers, and I am starting with a postcard from Tauranga in New Zealand.

The card comes from Brett Payne who runs a splendid Blog called Photo-Sleuth. The Blog title is eminently suitable, for what Brett does to perfection is to take old archives and photographs and discover their back-story. His meticulous research reveals tales and stories that are endlessly fascinating and make reading his blog posts a pleasure to be savoured. As he suggests in his message, what he does is a form of digital gold mining.

I will try and feature one of my "Twitter For Gentlefolk" cards each week until the supply runs dry and I will include regular links to occasions when the cards I send, end up on other peoples' blogs. 

My postcard to Brett has arrived and is featured on his Blog HERE.
My postcard to that wittiest of bloggers, the Silver Fox (aka David Lynch), has appeared on his Blog. His to me will appear in this series when it arrives.


  1. You are very kind, Alan. I will reciprocate soon.

  2. "Twitter for Gentlefolk" is a fabulous idea, going back to the future. You trend setter, you. I must go say hello to Brett...

  3. Ah Tess, You were the Rosalind Franklin to my Francis Crick.

  4. Post cards were more popular a bit before my time
    But it can be a fun way to give people a chime
    Yours to the Fox was quite grand
    To that I give you a hand
    And that's for the attempt verse
    At least it didn't make you curse
    Over at my blog
    I'll stop before I become a comment hog
    Be back soon
    From the loon

  5. Ah, you've retitled your endeavor "Twitter for Gentlefolk?" Betsy will be so pleased, I assume!

  6. This is a wonderfully creative idea! Your ability to come up with these sorts of concepts always impresses me!

  7. Retitled it for Betsy did you
    That was nice but I'd make her stew
    Because it would be so fun
    Ok now I'm done

  8. Hello Alan!

    My apologies for only managing to repay your visit now! It has been a very busy week and I've been trying in vain to keep up with all that's been happening in Blog Land.

    It's good to meet you finally...I've read and enjoyed your comments on other blogs often.

    Your idea of a revival of the genteel art of sending postcards is super! I'll be watching this new trend take the world by storm with interest!

  9. What are the chances of receiving a postcard of William and Kate from someone in the UK????


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