Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Big Moors - Big Mac.

My screen saver this week is a photograph I took back in April 2008. The moors might be Scammonden Moors or they may be Marsden Moors, strict borders and geographical labels are as rare as MacDonald restaurants on the tops.  The A640, Huddersfield to Rochdale road, runs along the ridge. The white building in the centre is a farmhouse, although back in 2008 it was undergoing redevelopment. Perhaps it was being turned into a fast food restaurant.


  1. beautiful.....ah the moors! i sure hope it wasn't being turned into a micky d's

  2. "Wild" moors in some fiction is a very appropriate description. You do catch the wild and lonesome character.,

  3. This picture makes me want to read "Jamaica Inn" again but unfortunately I don't own a copy. That deficiency shall shortly be rectified.

  4. Perish the thought, Alan. A fast food restaurant, no...NO!

  5. Hmmmmm... A Big Mac on the moors might actually qualify as a disaster. I'm hoping the redevelopment was more along the line of new barns to make the cows more comfortable.


Bridges, Mills And Dreams