Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Who Knows Where Or When

I normally have a pretty good idea of where and when I took my old photographs, even when re-visiting them via the scanner some forty or so years after they were taken. But this one has me stumped. I have tried to recognise the building in the background, I have tried to guess the time from the clothing : but nothing helps. It was undoubtedly me behind the camera - but who knows where or when.


  1. The original Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band. They look like they're sitting on makeshift coffins. Great photo.

  2. Maybe it will come to you when you aren't trying so hard to think of it. Maybe in a dream! ha. Still a neat photo...too bad we can't hear the music. The man in the shades is looking right at you!

  3. I agree with Betsy. You will undoubtedly sit up in bed at some ungodly hour and cry, "Eureka!" It was there, and THEN!


  4. No idea where, but it has to be the 60s. And a five-piece ensemble with a baritone horn, wearing shades no less? Now that had to be a statement on so many levels!

  5. These guys were cool. Looks like 70's I like the back of the piano hidden away.

  6. Jazz and Bohemians was a fifties thing. Were you snapping then?

    The wrought iron work looks Victorian and reminded me of Southport. The stone mullions on the windows look older, but perhaps they simply Victorian Gothic


  7. I'm guessing sometime in the 70s, Alan.

  8. 1968 to best guess..I love the photo:)

  9. Two band jackets. And a salvation army type hat on the piano.
    The instrument case under the nearest player does not match the instrument, so he is probably sitting in while the guy who owns the jacket is taking a break.
    The sign on the wall looks like 'entertainers' something.
    70's from hair and clothes.
    USAF patch on the shoulder.

    1. Jester type outfit on the guy by the piano.

    2. Lettering on the wall box says "lower hall'

    3. All the sheet music is the same. Rock and Roll players don't usually use music sheets. These guys are sitting in while the band takes a break.

    4. Player number five is missing.

    5. There will be an update on this photograph on Friday, which might answer some of the questions you pose.


Excelsior Forgotten

This photo of my mother sat on my fathers' Excelsior motorbike dates, I think, from the 1940s. It was taken at our house on Southmere Dr...