Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Acres Of Enjoyment For 2014

I have been so busy going through my extensive list of New Year Resolutions that I have hardly had any time to post to my Blog today. This is both a shame and a paradox, as one of my regular yearly resolutions is to be more regular in my blogging habits. So, for today, let me limit myself to a small photograph I took a week or so ago in Greenhead Park, Huddersfield. The sky is suitably leaden, the trees seasonally bare : and the kids are playing games and enjoying themselves. Let me wish each and every one of you acres of enjoyment in 2014. Happy New Year.


  1. What a stunning photo it is! I too have had little time for all my blogging, even Facebook which is so much easier to pop into and out of, with all our festive times going on. But things are going to slow down a bit, I hope anyway, so I can get back on track with my blogging too!

  2. One resolution I have always been able to keep has been not to make a New Year Resolution - seems to be working again this year. Have a great 2014.

  3. Happy New Year! I hope you had a pint for me! :)

  4. Happy new year to you too. The lack of snow seems unfair but I guess I could send some your way. I have only fallen twice this month so I am resolving either not go out on icy days or start walking in a bent over grandpa position. You and your family have a great new year.

  5. Ah, but resolutions are made to be broken, aren't they? Can't wait to read that long, extensive list! haha...maybe you'll inspire me as I make my own! :)

    Happy New Year, friend! xo

  6. Happy New Year Alan!

  7. Happy New Year from a dark and rainy N London!

  8. Thanks and much happiness to you in 2014.

  9. Happy New Year, Alan! That's some mighty green grass for December you have there.

  10. A lovely shot expressing your sentiments. The light is great. I hope to be more organised in posting sepia shots.


Excelsior Forgotten

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