Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This Week's Bargain

One of the delights of old photographs that have been scanned and brought back to life, is walking back down familiar streets, looking at shop fronts that have not been there for forty years. With this photograph, there is an additional challenge, because all the shops are in reverse, viewed as they are through the reflection in a car showroom window. This week's bargain is the shops at the bottom of Bull Green, Halifax. Those of a certain age will be familiar with the names, even in reverse : Greenwoods the Bookshop, the El Toro Coffee Bar and Lewins Pub. A free trip back in a time machine - now that's a bargain.


  1. The car may have been a 'bargain', but we were making pretty poor vehicles then.

  2. I recognize none of the buildings and love every one of them.

  3. That looks like a pretty fancy car to be selling as a bargain.

  4. It is a marvelous revival. The whole thing is mysterious as I try to find that second car next to the special. I remember photoshoping an old photo of Norte Dame and being amazed what could be found in the photo. The statue of the lion materialized. I like seeing the buildings with traffic going by. In your country I bet the buildings are still standing.

  5. This week’s bargain indeed! Fun trying to make out the shop signs - although even I can see the word Chemist.

  6. A bargain indeed! I don't know a thing in the photo, except that it's a fascinating old photo.

  7. I'm glad that you explained that it was a reflection, I was having trouble working it out. A fun way to look back in time and in reverse.

  8. Very clever post!

  9. Imaginative and evocative photo. Not a part of the UK I know well, but the cars certainly get the nostalgia glands working!

  10. Now you've got me wondering what was in the back of that Ford Anglia van!


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