Monday, January 20, 2014

British Pubs : A Page A Day Calendar

Each year I buy Isobel a calendar for Christmas, one of those which features a different picture every day. Being Isobel, her favourite is always something like a "Dog A Day" or "A Cute Puppy A Day" but there are other offerings in the same series featuring such things as shoes or handbags, cats or flowers. I have always quite fancied having one of these for myself, but as yet I have been able to find one entitled "A Pub A Day". But when you are retired and feckless and with nothing better to do with your life, there is nothing to stop you creating one. Here is today's photograph. I will try and drop in again at points throughout the year.


  1. Will you be visiting each one?

  2. From the text under the photo, it's a bit like Trigger's broom!

  3. The sum of knowing there are 365 pubs out there would make you happy. From all my past readings of your blog, I suspect there are not that many. This one is either rebuilt to look like an old building or it really is an old building.

  4. this is a very attractive building with a long history. Nicely done.

  5. Great idea! Mine's a pint. PS - The history of pub names can be fascinating.

  6. Ah THE ROYAL OAK .One of Halifax's yo-yo Pub .Forever changing.Sometimes good:Sometimes not.It's Actually quite a pleasant place (the last time I was in)


My Daily Calendar : 9th - 12th March 2025 : Market, Mills, Love And Rain

  This picture is taken from an old picture postcard and shows Doncaster Market Place in the early years of the twentieth century. A long ti...