Saturday, January 30, 2021

Murder Most Foul In Tenerife


My desktop calendar image today features a photograph I took ten years ago whilst visiting an ornamental garden in Tenerife. Why I took a photograph of the ticket office, I don't know - it was one of those instinctive shots that sometimes works .... and more often, doesn't. I like to think it did this time, although I would have difficulty explaining why. There is something about the Agatha Christie posters, the Union Jack and the expression of the ticket seller. Murder most foul in Tenerife.


  1. Why is the Agatha Christie poster in German?

    1. It's probably a red herring to make you suspect the German doctor


Silo Tagging

  This is unmistakably Brighouse: the giant Sugden Flour silos are as an effective geotag as any map reference. These two concrete monoliths...