Thursday, January 14, 2021

When The Song Thrushes Sang

My calendar image today features a view of Throstle Nest Farm in Shepherd's Thorn Lane, Rastrick, which is only a few minutes walk away from where I live. The farm is long gone, all that remains is part of a vaulted cellar, and therefore this chance to see it as it would have been 100 years ago is a welcome one. The image comes from an old vintage postcard I recently acquired. There is a message on the back, but it has faded into mysterious obscurity.

As I look out of my window, the ground is thick with snow, therefore there will be no walk down Shepherd's Thorn Lane today. I will content myself with looking at the scene as it was over a century ago, on a sunny summer's day, when the song thrushes were still singing.

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