Saturday, January 16, 2021

Two Girls With A Parasol


Our Sepia Saturday prompt this week features an umbrella repair man from Sydney Australia. So what better way of celebrating umbrellas which start with a u from Sydney than by featuring parasols which start with a p from Cleethorpes!

My calendar today features a photograph from over ninety years ago of two girls posing in a seaside studio with a parasol. The photograph was taken in Cleethorpes on the stormy east coast of Britain, where parasols tended to be confined to the photographers' studio. The date of the photograph I estimate as 1929 or there about. The young girl on the right of the picture, as we look at it, is my mother, Gladys. I remember her telling me about the photograph when, as a child, I would leaf through the photograph albums. Was the other girl called Florrie? - I forget. They were two young girls on a day trip to the seaside from their jobs in the woollen mills of Bradford. It was a lifetime ago - and, as I face the prospect of trudging through the snow today, it feels increasingly like two lifetimes ago. But after my trip out to walk the dog, I can come back into my slightly warmer office and look at that smile I remember so well.

For other Sepia Saturday posts visit the Sepia Saturday Blog


  1. At least your mum was smiling. Her friend just stared at the camera! Well matched to the meme photo!

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Their clothing and hair styles are nearly identical and they could almost pass as sisters. It must have been an enjoyable day away from work.

  3. My mother had the most beautiful smile and every time I see a photo of her smiling, I just have to smile back! Lovely post. :)

  4. A charming photo with a charming story.

  5. I love everything about this photo. I wonder if the parasol was made of paper. It reminds me of the umbrellas that go in a cocktail (only bigger of course).


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...