Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Bailiff Bridge Birthday Party

Saturday 15 November 1823 (Halifax)
At 8.10, I set off to walk. Went to Bailiff Bridge to see the new road they are making there to Brighouse and which, when finished, is to extend from Bradford to Huddersfield. It will not be done till next summer or autumn. Under the superintendence of Mr Platt of Bradford; appears from 42 to 45 ft wide .... Saw one man at his work breaking stones for which he has 5/- a rood ... After stopping to talk to the road-men and Jackman. got home at 11 3/4.
The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister. Edited by Helena Whitbread Virago, 1988

Friday 18 January 2013 (Huddersfield)
At 10.30, I set off to walk. Went to Bailiff Bridge to see the road there. Last night whilst reading Anne Listers' diaries in the bath, I discovered that the road was 190 years old, so I thought it was long overdue a birthday party. If you've ever tried to organise a birthday party for a road, you will no how difficult it is : especially on a bitterly cold day with little or no notice. I was the only person to turn up, but I did manage to sing a chorus of Happy Birthday. Got home at 12 3/4.
The Public Diaries of Alan Burnett. Edited by Himself, News from Nowhere, 2013


  1. I'm guessing that your chorus of Happy Birthday was a rood awakening, Alan?

  2. I have this vision of you in Shower cap & bottle of Radox singing was nice the police only detained you for an hour or so!:)

  3. Only you could that, but I'm sure Miss Anne Lister will be pleased. Will she now become a regular source of inspiration?

  4. As today is my grandson's 18th birthday, I doubly enjoyed your road celebration. The writing of course takes the cake!

  5. It took you an hour less than Miss Lister. Perhaps January 2013 was colder than November 1823, encouraging you to walk more quickly.

  6. At least one person cares! Nice comparison of the road's beginning and what it is today.

  7. So that was you I heard across the ocean blue singing Happy Birthday! Awesomw! It's kind of funny seeing snow on your ground, as I have been keeping up with checking the weather in England, France and Germany and more often than not you were having like temperatures in the 50's and no snow!

  8. If that's where I think it is there's a chippy just round the bend. My mother-in-law lives just up the road, too.

  9. I like Tony's vision of you singing Happy birthday bridge.

  10. Where is the must be further down the road..grand idea for a impromptu party:)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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