Friday, January 25, 2013

A Screensaver And An Announcement

My computer screensaver this week dates back to February 2004. It was taken on board a cruise ship en route from Florida to Costa Rica. That is The Lad deep in thought, considering his next move. I seem to recall that he won the game.


The Annual General Meeting of the West Yorkshire Chapter of the International Brotherhood (Sisterhood) of Bloggers (WYCIB(S)B) will take place at the Big Six Inn, Horsfall Street, Halifax on Thursday 31st January 2013 at 4.00pm. An invitation to attend the meeting is hereby extended to all bloggers. Agenda items should be notified to the Honorary Secretary, Mr Tony Zimnoch, before the meeting. Items already on the agenda include the election of officers and the award of the Holroyd-Hebblethwaite Trophy.


  1. A bit of a trek for me, Alan, but I'll be raising a virtual pint glass to toast a successful meeting.

  2. Pay my fare and i'll be there.

  3. Hi Alan,

    I love cruises and would one day love to cruise around the Emerald Isle but it will be many years from now.

    Hope the meeting goes well.

    God bless.

  4. Sorry , cannot make it this year, but I'm in favour.

  5. I want to come! But the pond is so wide! ha. :)

  6. +Alan is buying the first Round!Seriously, It will be great if You can come..And Bring A Camera!!!!

  7. If I learn to teleport between now and then I'll see you there. I'm working on it.... :) Otherwise, may I enter my application for membership in absentia?

  8. Meant to add: that is an absolutely stunning photograph!

  9. what a wonderful pic! :)

  10. Judging from the announcement, most of your readers are "locals"?

    I like the photograph too. It looks photoshopped; makes it more fun knowing it is not.

  11. I'd love to come along - but unfortunately I'll be working. If you convene during school holidays or one weekend please let me know!

  12. Now the chess game looks like it was on a cruise ship? I hope your meeting solves all blogdom problems and results in some cool posts.

  13. I wish I could come..the Big Six Inn..interesting name. Enjoy a pint whilst solving all the worlds problems:)

  14. I like the screensaver Alan, even if I don't understand chess! Oh and "Cheers!"


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