Friday, January 04, 2013

Good Advice, Frequent Practice And Plenty Of Sand

I suppose I spend far too long sat in front of a computer screen but I have reached the age where I can ignore all good advice and do as I see fit. So rather than spending less time in front of the computer I have decided to change my home screen on a weekly basis so at least on those frequent occasions I am staring at the screen searching for inspiration there is a different view to entertain me. I will try and share a few of those home screen images over the coming months.

This weeks' image was taken back in 2010 in Weymouth, Dorset. If you look carefully you will see a woman sat next to the Punch and Judy tent, seemingly practising her moves for the coming show. Either that, or she has been sat in the sun for too long.


  1. Actually what I noticed first was how the wind, accelerated by having to pass around the tent, had scoured the sand on either side and beyond the tent.

  2. ...or you caught this woman in an innocent gesture!! I know you like shots like this where you focus into one particular spot.

  3. Cool! I change my desktop picture often, too - from my photo archives and from a folder of stuff from Astronomical Picture of the Day and from a folder of pictures from National Geographic. It's fun to turn a technological tool into a window on the natural world!

  4. Either way she sure captures your attention! What a lovely day at the beach indeed!

  5. Anything beats the view out a wintery window..if you ask me. I would love to be on your beach..I would wave at you! :)

  6. Mad dogs and English women go out in the midday sun.

  7. I think she's dropped off, and someone has stolen her newspaper.

  8. She is holding up her hands waiting for someone to wrap yarn around them.

  9. Sitting in the sun for too long sounds good right now. I like your perspective on who is the boss of you these days. The older I get the bossing of myself seems my business and no one else.

  10. First thought was that we did have some sunshine in this country once, a long time ago!


My Daily Calendar : 9th - 12th March 2025 : Market, Mills, Love And Rain

  This picture is taken from an old picture postcard and shows Doncaster Market Place in the early years of the twentieth century. A long ti...