Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Picture Post 1015 : Wall - São Miguel

After visiting Boston we set sail back across the Atlantic. The sea was flat and mostly encased in low cloud. After about four days, a series of small islands emerged from the sea-fret : the Azores. My photograph shows the wall of a typical house on the island of São Miguel. No topical references today : but hang on, doesn't that chap look as though he has had shaving foam thrown in his face!


  1. Quite an adventure Mr Burnett but I'd like to see more photos the chances of me ever seeing the Azores are about the same as an ice cube's in Hell

  2. Baino : Will do : and for your information I think they do have ice cubes in Lancashire.

  3. I don't remember visiting São Miguel, perhaps we were on a different tour to you.

  4. And what a humble pose he struck.

  5. Good shot, Alan! Very evocative of islands.

    There are a lot of Azoreans in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts; I got to hear lots of their music on the Portuguese-language radio stations in the area.

  6. No Alan, that's his beard.

  7. By the angle of his head, I think he's just received a left hook from Mrs Murdoch!

  8. I too would like to see more of the Azores...

  9. Alan - spot on. We'll make an honorary Dutchman of you yet.

  10. Nice! I love your blog and was quite amazed to see you move. But I guess change is needed from time to time :) Good luck!

    Just dial

  11. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Looks like one of them early American Indian portraits all except the beard...

  12. It is interesting how the island's history stays pretty much intact. The art and the structures seem to not be affected so much by the modern world.


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