Friday, July 29, 2011

Picture Post 1019 : A Round Peg On A Crown Green

The GLW and myself have been taking Crown Green Bowling lessons recently (for which we are eternally grateful to Sue B). After an hour on the green we retire to the Club bar where I take drinking lessons (for which I am eternally grateful to Denis C). But after three or for weeks I still keep getting my finger peg mixed up with my thumb peg. More practice is needed (whether at bowling or drinking I am not sure). The picture was taken on Wednesday and shows my bowl next to the jack. It didn't stay there for long I am afraid.


  1. Would suggest more drinking

  2. Bowling is an activity I have watched people do for years and am determined to take up when I retire. It all looks so civilised and English and cucumber-sandwich.

  3. Bowls Is One Of Those Games That Look Bloody Simple From A Distance (but is quite complicated up close) .As Is,Of Course,Drinking!!!

  4. Sounds like a lot of fun, Alan. Maybe my own GLW and I might venture into the world of crown green.

  5. perhaps you are doing the lessons backward...funny i have never had a peg problem when drinking...

  6. I know nothing of green bowling, crowns or pegs, but where do I sign up for drinking lessons?

  7. Is this like the French/Italian game of boules? I like watching the older gentlemen play it in the Tuileries in Paris. Hell, I like anything that happens in Paris. Drinking lessons hmmm...may have to look into that.

  8. It sounds interesting. I've played the Italian version - bocce - but never tried the British version.

  9. Ah yes this is the life ...we too have a bar/pub called Brit's Pub where they feature Lawn Bowling, it is the thing coolest ever! If you want to check them out here's their link!

    ..and keep learning and experiencing new things! Life just has so much going on doesn't it!

  10. Maybe you would go up a few pegs if you did the dishes. I don't want to take you down a peg but are you sure you aren't playing croquet? you have to hit the peg to win... We used to call it thumb bias and finger bias in bowls.

  11. The more you practice drinking -- yeah, right, like you need practice -- the more you'll need to practice bowling. Hm. What's the opposite of a vicious circle?

  12. Do you wear white when bowling?

  13. Any sport that is followed by a little "bending of the elbow" is OK with me....

  14. I love the contrasting energies in the photo. Nice Chi.

  15. This must be one of the "togetherness" or after retirement activities..but as long as you get some pub time it cannot be all bad:)

  16. Lawn bowls is a huge sport here. It used to be for the blue rinse set but these days barefoot bowling is a fave with the younglings too. . .always looked like playing giant marbles to me!

  17. It is a foreign sport to me. I guess I would have to go mow my yard to get to even try playing it. I like the shine.


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