Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Picture Post 1018 : Digital Flora

iPhones might not take perfect photos, but they are darned useful. This was from a series of photographs taken the other week during the course of a walk through Oakwell Country Park, near Gomersall. The GLW had forgotten her wild flower book and therefore I had to keep taking photographs of wild flowers we came across by the side of the path and texting them to our friend Jane for identification. Within minutes, Janie would text back a perfect identification. The wonders of digital technology.


  1. I love the 'meadow' look of the wild flowers. You can now get a reasonably prices app for wild flower identification. I haven't got it but I know a man who has. Apparently it's quite good.

  2. Val : Janie's cheaper (don't forget I'm from Yorkshire)

  3. What a beautiful combination of flowers, especially the very few red ones popping up....and how cool is that for you to be able to help out in this process!...it's better to leave the book at home anyway...otherwise you spend too much time glancing and staring at the book and miss the real thing! I say photo everything and in the evening sit back and figure out what you discovered! Nice photo even from you phone!

  4. THESE are my favorite KIND of flowers...wild and free and quite cheerful! As if they are smiling right up at the camera.

  5. Such a pretty summery photo - and the 'Phone a friend' story made me smile.

  6. Hmmm nothing wrong with that pic, your iphone sure did the trick.

  7. Anonymous6:52 PM

    That is an excellent use for a modern phone with the camera. I have toyed with the idea but so far have not got anything. I like your photo too.

  8. Anonymous6:52 PM

    That is an excellent use for a modern phone with the camera. I have toyed with the idea but so far have not got anything. I like your photo too.

  9. But did you managed to snap any Digitalis purpurea?

  10. Oh....what an exquisite photo.....and with a phone, yet. Amazing....why did I spend all that money for a camera?

    Aside from the deliciousness of the pic I had to laugh out loud because it reminded me of the TV series "Get Smart" in which the oafish hero talks into his shoe (phone. Don't know if you ever got it in the UK but it was a great, funny series.

    Oh, and did I mention I love your blog?>

  11. Gorgeous shot, Alan! Meadows in high Summer are some of my favorite places to wander through.

  12. It brought a meadow to mind with me too. I’d say; daisies, poppies, cornflowers, but not sure about the yellow jobs.

  13. Now that sounds both useful & fun!

  14. Very nice flower picture but it isn't blurred. And it isn't sepia.

  15. what a happy picture...lots of lovely colors...wish i had an iphone...

  16. I agree...phones take pretty good quality photos! Some are downright great! That one here of the flowers is the perfect example!

  17. What a sweet and lively mix of wildflowers.


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