Friday, March 11, 2016

Happy Birthday Harold

Photograph : Tyne & Wear Archives via FLICKR Commons
Harold Wilson - one of the finest British politicians of the twentieth century, was born 100 years ago today (11 March 1916) a few miles down the road from here in Huddersfield. A Member of Parliament before he was 30, a Cabinet Minister at 31 and Prime Minister before he was 50, he was also one of the finest academics of his generation. But more than that he was a politician who understood both people and politics and a Party Leader who helped transform society making it a better and more equal place for all. Over the years he has fallen out of favour and fashion which is a great shame because he achieved more than most of the politicians who followed him combined. During the 1970s, when I worked at Labour Party HQ, I met Harold on a number of occasions and always found him to be a kind man, a masterful judge of everyday politics and a committed socialist. Happy Birthday Harold.


  1. Oh, how I wish we could say the same of the clown parade of politicians in America currently. Enjoy your weekend, Alan.

  2. They don't make them like that anymore.

  3. I know I have said this before but don't forget that Harold and Mary owned a house in Southway in Hampstead Garden Suburb. Not 10 minutes from where I live. We have a blue plaque to commemorate this now.
    We don't have politicians like that in this country either these days.

  4. I shook his hand when he presented me with my degree as Chancellor of Bradford University.


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